October 16, 2009


Almost 2 decades ago, I welcomed a dear-dear girl
into this world and into my life.
Way back when, I babysat for her and
played with her and changed her diapers...
and now the tables have turned.
She now babysits for MY kids, plays with MY kids,
and has changed their diapers!
She brilliantly earned a full ride to Ball State University and is in the midst of a tough sophomore semester. We're coming up on
FAMILY WEEKEND, so Craig, the kids and I are hopping
into the car and making the trip. We're going to cheer in the cold at the
Saturday afternoon football game, then we'll
visit her dorm and have a yummy dinner.
I can hardly put into words how PROUD I am of how hard she works and how much she has already accomplished. She's an amazing young lady with a sweet spirit. She's tons of fun, and I love every second she has to spend with us.
Our family loves her with our whole hearts!
She's "quacktastic"
(inside joke)
Dear Marisa, LYLAS

1 comment:

crit said...

love this! from everything you've ever told me about her... she is truly an exceptional girl.