March 7, 2010

Spilled Spaghetti

I don't enjoy grocery shopping,
but I DO enjoy saving money.
I don't enjoy clipping and sorting coupons,
I definitely don't enjoy the embarrassment of needing
a bagger to help me push two shopping carts out to my car,

Here's a list to describe my (practically) quarterly grocery shopping experience:
  • approximately 2 1/2 hours walking the store aisles
  • a gigantor stack of coupons, and NOT A SINGLE ONE was expired or declined
  • only 2 cashiers working AND ONE WAS AN EXPRESS LANE!  I do genuinely feel awful when people have to wait in line after me.  It helps me to think that I only do this every few months, so if you add up all the time OTHER NORMAL PEOPLE force others to wait on their checkouts...  I guess I'm not all that bad
  • ONE BOX OF THIN SPAGHETTI FALLING OVER THE EDGE OF MY OVERFLOWING CART AND BUSTING OPEN ON THE FLOOR AT THE REGISTER (I WASN'T ANYWHERE NEAR IT, SO I'M NOT TO BLAME!)  If you've ever been annoyed trying to pick up ONE little piece of uncooked spaghetti off your counter/floor, try HUNDREDS that rolled all over the floor.  The bagger told me he has only worked there 8 days... poor guy
  • a manager had to use a key to override my flagged order, because I SAVED TOO MUCH MONEY
  • an unexpected rainshower as I loaded up my car
  • a nice gentlemen that actually HAD TO WAIT IN LINE BEHIND ME offered to drive my two empty carts to the cart corral for me
  • amount saved $255. I saved 42.5% of my bill. You can do the math if you really want to know how much I spent. Never mind, I'll do it for you.  I paid around $340.  YES- That's a bunch, HOWEVER not TOO much when you consider I only shop every few months.
And actually right now I should be
putting groceries away, but I don't feel like it.
ha ha

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