January 10, 2010

Belle Baker

I'm So Excited about something I just discovered!

I have MANY favorite songs... as we all do.
One in particular I hold dear to my heart, "Blue Skies".
First, here's a silly version of the song.

But now... the awesome news!
(in case you didn't already read it in the description on youtube)


"Blue Skies was composed by Irving Berlin in 1926 as a last minute addition to the Rodgers and Hart musical, Betsy. Although the show only ran for 39 performances, Blue Skies was an instant success, with audiences on opening night demanding 24 encores of the piece from star,
Belle Baker."

Did you catch that?!?!?!
This terrific and uplifting song was
written for BETSY!!!!!!! YAHOO!!!!!!
I'm SO HAPPY to know this!

So as I attempted to find an original recording by
Miss Belle Baker, I came across a different song that she had recorded...
song title: Laughing At Life
YAY * ME   
Here are the perfectly fitting lyrics:

Laughing at Life
(written by: The Kenneys and The Todds)

Don’t mind the rain drops
Wait ‘til the rain stops
Smile through your tears, laughing at life
No road is lonely, if you will only
Lose all your blues laughing at life
Live for tomorrow, be happy today
Laugh all your sorrows away
Start now and cheer up
The skies will clear up
Lose all your blues laughing at life


Michelle said...

That is soooo FITTING! My gosh, you even talk about the rain and med, etc on your FB page! I Love It!!! Have a beautiful day, my dear friend. Keep laughing :D

Michelle said...

ugh... dangit, that was supppppposed to say MUD. My left hand likes to take over sometimes.

Betsy Myers said...

"mud" ha ha I Love You, Shelley Bean!