October 31, 2009

Gotta Post

Well, I have to do it... I HAVE to post at least ONE photo of my kiddos dressed for the newly named "Beggars' Night". We joined our friends at Mr. & Mrs. Marble Man's house tonight, and had yet ANOTHER great evening full of fun.
Our friend, Lily, was a birthday cupcake - she did actually sing the birthday song a few times. CUTE Luke... a hot dog! How appropriate, right?!? Lydia, a bunny! As it turned out, it was a bit chilly out, so this was a perfect cuddly way to keep her warm! Plus, since she didn't care to wear her hood the entire night, I took a turn squeezing into it. ENJOY

October 30, 2009

Hiking the Hills of the Cincinnati Zoo

Yesterday was a breathtakingly awesome autumn day! What a better way to spend it than OUTSIDE inhaling the fall flavors!
It's funny how sometimes when PRE-PLAN outings, the weather can ruin things at the last minute...
but it's funny how (and THANK GOODNESS) sometimes IT COULDN'T BE MORE PERFECT!
My dear friend, Amanda, and I have been trying to get our kiddos together for weeks now. Between illnesses and poor weather, we've had to continually reschedule. I wonder if she watched the weather all week like I did - hoping and wishing for a sunny forecast.
Our wish was certainly granted!
we had two other great gals join us.
For me... something "old"
and something "new" in a sense.
My close friend, Christy (friends since 1993!) & her sweet Lily... and my newest friend, Shelly and her little man Caleb.
We unloaded our brood and had a fun fun day at The Cincinnati Zoo. I have to say this is one of my FAVORITE places to take Luke & Lydia! They can run and enjoy, and somehow never seeming exhausted. And hiking those hills is completely worth it at the end of the day. The kids took turns hopping on and off of our 4 strollers and seldom did we see a sullen face.
I feel completely and utterly blessed to be surrounded AND TO SURROUND MY CHILDREN with such wonderful families!!!

October 27, 2009

Funny Females

This year, Craig and I found a new church home suitable for our whole family. Plus, it gave us an opportunity to reconnect with some old friends! This church has had some absolutely OUTSTANDING Ladies' Nights!!! I've been to a handful now, and never do I leave unsatisfied or unfulfilled!
Two featured speakers they've had recently are Sally Baucke and then tonight, Liz Curtis Higgs.
Again... just phenomenal evenings!!!
If you EVER have a chance to see these women, they will inspire and bless you! Plus, they are SUPER FUNNY!!!!!!
Seriously, "PEE YOUR PANTS" FUNNY!!!!!!
Sally Baucke
one of her features bits: is the Minivan Song
Liz Curtis

October 25, 2009

"Now, That's Funny"

"blogging''... something I thought I'd NEVER do! I do enjoy reading about other people/families, but I didn't realize how much I would LOVE thinking about how to share my life with you through words and pictures and videos. Think of my blog as my way of reaching out to those I care about, since I know I fail miserably at reaching out via other forms of communication most of the time! SORRY I knowingly spend time blogging about our frivolous daily activities, and sometimes I obviously post videos that aren't even my own. Know though that these are all with the intention to share with you some of my favorite entertainment, and much is with the purpose of making you LAUGH! hence the title of my blog Actually, I have been thinking a great deal about that very subject though (and for good reason)... ***LAUGHING*** We underestimate it's value, I'm afraid. Sadly, I am too often guilty of getting into the rut of FORGETTING to laugh. Forgetting to enjoy every single moment with which we're blessed! Forgetting that's it's MY CHOICE whether I want to enjoy my life or not! Life stinks sometimes! I'm sure it always will! However, there is ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS something to be thankful for! Always someone needing you to smile at or with them! Here's my serious story to share- You probably know and remember I lost my mother-in-law this past May. Her experience fighting cancer was very unexpected, too short, and extremely devastating. - only 3 weeks - to be exact - from the day of her diagnosis to the day of her passing. Up until that time, she was an active and overall 'happy' person. She was presumably healthy and here it is... one of my favorite things about her... in fact- OUR MAJOR THING WE HAD IN COMMON - she loved to laugh! It was no secret that she and I were very, very different, but I am certain that if there's any truth to a man marrying a woman like his mother... that characteristic was his draw to me. She laughed at just about everything. I remind Craig that I believe that's what she enjoyed most about him as her son- she could call on him at any time to get her cracking up! By the way- MY favorite thing about him too. Anyway... my point to this story. In the hospital, the family continued to get worse and worse news, and as you can imagine- our spirits were crushed and worn out. My most vivid memory though was Charlotte's ability to CONTINUE to laugh and joke- all the way until she closed her eyes for her final sleep. I am completely serious about this! As her state of consciousness was failing her, she began to repeat phrases not making too much sense, but GUESS WHAT HER #1 PHRASE WAS?!?! What we heard her say over and over??? "Now, That's Funny!" She would throw her weak hand in the air and slap her leg, saying "Now, That's Funny!" I can still hear it, "Now, That's Funny!" "Now, That's Funny!" Folks... LIFE IS FUNNY!!!!! Even when it's sad... LAUGH THROUGH THE TEARS! For me personally, I think that's the only way to bear it. I never want to forget those words, because it's relevant every * single * day about every * single * event I'll never forget, "Now, That's Funny!", because IT SURE IS! Thank you, Charlotte, for the reminder and lesson! And thank YOU for reading! I Love You All!

October 23, 2009

Love The Library!

At our library (and I would assume at most) you can check out books with coordinated puppets and stuffed animals. This time around we chose The Three Billy Goats Gruff. My niece, Kira, and our friend Lily R. were the first to help Luke & Lydia reenact the dramatic tale. Tonight it was 'Daddy's' turn...
His voices are WAY BETTER THAN MINE!!!!!
Also on today's list of adventures:
As I undressed Lydia for bedtime,
I took off her pants to see she had
(under her pants)
DOLL PANTS up to her thigh on one leg!
Guess she was trying them on for size!


I know I've posted this before,
but it's too funny!!!!!

Here's an oldie but a goodie too! If you've never seen it, watch it all they way to the end.




(but I 'gotta' Make You Laugh!!!)

October 22, 2009

A Breath of Fresh Air

It seems we're narrowing down on our last few NICE days. I've been under the weather this week, and didn't find much energy to accomplish anything. Today though, I awoke with a refreshed attitude and thanks to the fresh air from spending a couple hours outside with the kids, I got a whole lot done!!!! We've had grape hyacinth bulbs in our fridge for a couple weeks, and I finally got them planted. Plus I went to town pulling weeds and dead plants. The kids made a huge mess of toys in the yard, and had a blast doing it! It was just fun to be out without a jacket or an umbrella. We took about 10 minutes to clean up and headed in for a yummy lunch. They gobbled it up and are both down for the count. My two don't nap, so no sleeping has occurred- but they are resting comfortably right now and the house is calm. YAY! Now... what to plan for din-din???

October 20, 2009

Monday = Zoo Day

We proved that Mondays are a
SUPER GREAT day to make a trip to the ZOO!
My sister joined us with
her two, Kira & Jay.
(they take a weekly Zoo class... COOL)
We enjoyed the amazing autumn weather
and a picnic style lunch.
Without the crowd of field trips, my two
undoubtedly enjoyed their freedom.
Especially Lydia!!
She was off to the races most of the time, that is...
when Kira wasn't carrying her.

October 19, 2009

Ankle Update

A quick update about Craig's ankle. It's still swollen, but the bruising is gone. He had physical therapy 2 times a week for a few weeks. He was given some stretches and exercises to do at home. He's been on a treadmill a couple of times, but an attempt at running is certainly not in the near future. Most days he goes on with his normal activities at work and at home. Only every once in awhile will he wince as he wrenches it the wrong way. Thanks to those that ask.

October 18, 2009

Pick Up Sticks

Craig often refers to an imaginary game... actually rather crude one too, so I apologize ahead of time. Sometimes Craig's answer or suggestion to me or to Luke will include the phrase, "play pick up sticks with your butt cheeks." Well, the words finally sunk into Luke's little mind and yesterday he asked in response... excitedly, yet confusingly, "Is that a real game we can play?" Awww.... to be young and innocent again! More from Luke: This morning Craig prepared a healthy breakfast. We all took turns trying to convince Lydia to eat up. Luke's persuasion technique was a little different than mine. He suggested to Lydia to eat up so - HERE IT IS - Eat your food so that someday you will have hair on your chest like I will have. Oh my, let's hope not!


Okay, so yesterday we made the hike (not as far as I thought it would be) to visit our sweet Marisa! We suited up in layers and mittens to attend the Ball State University football game. I full anticipated that we would be freezing our buns, but the stadium seating wasn't metal so it was bearable after all... WOO HOOMarisa is in the marching band and had a super entertaining halftime show! Midway through their Michael Jackson medley, Marisa and her band mates drop their instruments and break out in a little THRILLER dance.

We then got to see her dorm. She's on the high bunk- practically hits her head on the ceiling when she sits up. Luke of course wanted to get the bird's eye view. Marisa fits well into college life and it brought back memories for Craig and I when we lived at Miami University to tromp around the campus. What a fun fun day!

October 16, 2009


Almost 2 decades ago, I welcomed a dear-dear girl
into this world and into my life.
Way back when, I babysat for her and
played with her and changed her diapers...
and now the tables have turned.
She now babysits for MY kids, plays with MY kids,
and has changed their diapers!
She brilliantly earned a full ride to Ball State University and is in the midst of a tough sophomore semester. We're coming up on
FAMILY WEEKEND, so Craig, the kids and I are hopping
into the car and making the trip. We're going to cheer in the cold at the
Saturday afternoon football game, then we'll
visit her dorm and have a yummy dinner.
I can hardly put into words how PROUD I am of how hard she works and how much she has already accomplished. She's an amazing young lady with a sweet spirit. She's tons of fun, and I love every second she has to spend with us.
Our family loves her with our whole hearts!
She's "quacktastic"
(inside joke)
Dear Marisa, LYLAS

October 14, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

Rain Rain Go Away

Something to do on a rainy day...

Or if your friends are too busy... GO SOLO!

October 11, 2009

My Heart Goes Bang

We swap date nights with our friends.
Last night was OUR turn!! Craig and I went
to a GUN RANGE... that's right
I took almost as many shots as Craig.
And I wasn't awful!
At one point I hit the target
19 out of 20 shots! YAY ME!
It certainly gets your heart pumping, so in a
twisted way it can be considered romantic.
Then off to a scrumdiddlyumptious dinner at P.F. Changs. This isn't "kid friendly" in our family, so we rarely get to enjoy, making this an extra special treat. The best part?

Craig & I ate S L O W L Y

Next, a late movie.
and it was superdy duperdy funny.

A must see? I wouldn't go that far, but I do give it 2 thumbs up. It's been awhile since I've been out after dark, much less after midnight! I'm such a party animal! HA HA

Anyway, it was nice that by the
end of the evening, I had been reminded
that I still have the very best fun with
my very best friend.

October 10, 2009


The color of the day is...
  • GREEN PLATE (check)
  • GREEN BOWL (check)
  • GREEN SPOON (check)
  • GREEN Peter Pan CUP (check)
  • GREEN OATMEAL (check)
  • GREEN MILK (check)
  • GREEN TONGUE (check)

And all decked out with Cinderalla
(or "Cinderbella" as Lydia calls her)

- - - that's all I ask for

October 8, 2009

Wallies & Decals

Luke is slowly becoming
bored with his room,
so we added a couple
of fun characters.
Lydia has been a climber since her little legs could lift her little body. Recently, she's been hiking her legs over and out of her crib, so we've finally taken it down.
(bittersweet to no longer need a crib!)
To keep her safe, she's on a mattress on the floor for now. Eye level for her, we created a little fantasy land for her.
kinda makes me feel pukey!
but as long as she's happy

For the Love of Life

Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass.
It's about learning how to dance in the rain.
Be careful of your thoughts. They may become your words at any moment.
A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
Blessed are the flexible, for they will never be bent out of shape.

October 6, 2009


Happy Birthday to Lukey!!!!!

he's FIVE today

Lydia's newest hairstyle.

October 5, 2009


is right around the corner.
Our family doesn't go bonkers to "celebrate", HOWEVER...
Craig, along with other coworkers, do their best to humor the students for a day. The other asst. principal??? SHE will be the young & handsome Elvis.
Craig will be the ummm..... less than attractive version.
*** it's normal to feel a little NAUSEOUS after you looked at this!
So once again Luke wanted to mimic every move Craig makes. *** thank goodness he's not old enough to realize I'm sharing this photo with the world! We also picked up an appropriate costume for Luke. Lastly, this photo isn't perfecto, but we were just trying things on for size. Have a WONDERFUL
and HAPPY day!